Go South Cobb! Marching band chosen for Obama parade

About ten days ago my wife pointed out this article in the Atlanta Journal Constitution about a high school band selected to march in Mr. Obama's inauguration (technically he is Mr. Obama between being Senator Obama and President Obama). She had noticed the article simply because of my last name, Cobb.

Now I  was already aware that Cobb County was named after an indirect ancestor of mine (that branch of the tree split off many generations ago). But I was not familiar with South Cobb High School. Apparently the students and staff of the school have worked really hard to turn the band around in the last five years and make it something really special.

Getting to march down Pennsylvania Avenue for the inauguration of the first black president of the United States is a huge deal and the school's excitement was matched only by their concern that this honor is truly honorary, there are no funds attached. So I emailed the principal and asked where people should send donations. He sent me a very nice reply:
"Your email address [@scobb.net] made me smile...I've attached the donation letter and encourage you to contribute or share with other Cobbs as you feel appropriate :-)

Thanks for your interest in our students. If you have not done so already, I encourage you to check out www.cbs46.com and click on the video portion of your story. It will put a face with the other Cobb name...hope we do your family proud!"

I'm sure they will, and I have posted the donation instructions here, so anyone who feels so inclined can lend their support to this great accomplishment. You can also donate online here. A formal donation request letter from the school is here. We'll definitely be watching for these kids on inauguration day.

Go Blue Eagles!


  1. I was a member of the band until last may, when I graduated. When I learned that MY EAGLES, yes "my" eagles were going to D.C. I was so proud. See as a former member it is still common for me to say it is my band, since for the last four years of my life, it was my life. As any member of the band will tell you, the band room is literally your home away from home. I wish them all the luck in the world. EAGLES EAGLES EAGLES EAGLES.... it continues to a beat.

  2. My son plays the trumpett at South Cobb, this is his freshman year and WHAT A WAY to be inducted into the school and history!!!!!! We are so proud of those kids and Mr. Cogdill for all of his dedication and commitment to the school!

  3. Im am an 8th grader on the way to becoming a freshman..I have heard plenty of gossip about South Cobb but I did not no they were as good as they say they are..I guess I will find out when I get there.
