This technique, often referred to as "blog this" or BT, enables you to record and annotate a search result with two clicks, storing it in a place that is automatically indexed, easy to find, and sorted by date. This is accomplished via Google's free Blogger service and the Chrome browser for Mac and Windows. I made a short video that shows the technique in action. Further down the article I have documented the steps in more details. Here's the video:
To collect internet research results like this you first create a personal blog to store your research findings, then you "clip" the URLs and annotate the content that you want to record. You can make your findings accessible to you alone, or to a select group of people of your choosing.
Of course, you can also make the blog visible to everyone on the internet if your intent is to share your findings with the world. However, going public with your research curation can have copyright implications, which I will address later in the article.
Before providing the steps to set up systems like these, I should note that I did not invent the "blog this" capability - referred to hereinafter as BT for brevity - nor did I write the script that BT uses. As far as I know, the BT story goes back to 2006. That is when Google made available a Chrome extension called Blog This! to assist users of Blogger.
I installed this extension in 2006, about a year after I started my first blog ( Unfortunately, about 10 years later, some sort of Google/Chrome disconnect occurred that left Blog This! out in the cold, as you can see in this screenshot from one of several threads in the Google Chrome Help Forum.
But don't worry - I will describe a workaround that uses the core BT capability. The point is, when the BT extension was installed it displayed a button in the browser's URL bar. If you clicked this button after selecting a piece of text on a web page, it would create a new entry in your Blogger blog, made up of two things:
- A blog title: made from the title of the page you were on when you clicked the BT button
- Some blog content: consisting of the text you had highlighted and a link to the page it came from.
javascript:popw='';Q='';x=document;y=window;if(x.selection) {Q=x.selection.createRange().text;} else if (y.getSelection) {Q=y.getSelection();} else if (x.getSelection) {Q=x.getSelection();}popw ='' + escape(Q) + '&u=' + escape(location.href) + '&n=' + escape(document.title),'bloggerForm','scrollbars=no,width=475,height=300,top=175,left=75,status=yes,resizable=yes');if (!document.all) T = setTimeout('popw.focus()',50);void(0)
The key to this "clip-n-post" capability is a special page that Google created at The URL is: Anyone can visit this page, and when they do, Google checks to see if they are signed into a Google account. If they are, it checks to see if that account is currently signed into a blog on Blogger. If it is, a new blog post is presented, as seen here:
If you go to and you are not currently signed into a Blogger blog, you will be invited to sign in.
Don't worry if this sounds a bit technical - the steps below should be easy to follow and you now have the background needed to build a search curation blogging system.
Four step guide to a "blog that" book mark
The process of making a bookmark to implement this system has four main steps, or five if you don't yet have a Gmail account. The official Google page for Create a Gmail Account has a pretty good description of the process. Once you have a Gmail account you will also have a Google identity.
1. Create a blog on Blogger: Assuming you are logged into Chrome with your Google identity, you can proceed to create a blog with Blogger. This process is described here by Google. The result will be a blog that is under your control, with a name of your choosing at a URL like this: or
I suggest you don't get too hung up on the URL at this point. The name of the blog is separate from the URL and can be different from the URL. Many of more obvious URLs on have been take - that's why I used 'z' instead of 's' in researchtoolz. (If your goal is to create a public blog, as discussed at the end of this article, then you can get a custom domain name - for example, is actually
2. Tune blog privacy permissions and other settings: Either during the creation of your blog or at any time thereafter you can adjust the settings to ensure the level of privacy your blog enjoys. Under Settings > Basic you will find two Privacy items.
To keep this blog to yourself, choose No for both items. You can always change your choices later. Further down the same page of settings is a section headed Permissions. Read through the choices for Readers and decide how you want to proceed. For a private-to-you blog, select the Private. In fact, you can invite other people to be authors, or allow some people to read without author-access.
Some other settings you might want to adjust are Posts, comments and sharing, where you can remove or restrict the comment feature that is on by default for a new Blogger blog. For a private blog I suggest you set Comment Location = Hide; Who can comment = Only members; Comment Moderation = Always. These can be adjusted later if you decide to share your blog.
3. Prepping a 'Blog That' book mark: We are now going to create a dummy bookmark labeled 'Blog That' into which we will will then paste the code that makes this whole technique tick.
Go to your Chrome browser on you Windows or Mac computer and make sure that the Bookmarks Bar is displayed. Here's what that looks like on my Mac, where a "Blog That" bookmark has already been created:
If you do not see the Bookmarks Bar, then you need to tell Chrome to show it. Use the Chrome menu, then the Bookmarks option and select Show Bookmarks Bar.
Now use Chrome to display any web page and click the Bookmark icon (the star on the right of the URL field seen in the next screenshot).
A small dialog box called "Bookmark added" should appear. For example, here I am at one of my websites -
You can see that Chrome has already created a Name for the bookmark based on the title of the web page [Amusia], and a Folder has been selected [Bookmarks Bar] in which to store the bookmark. At this point you need to do two things:
a/ make sure that Bookmarks Bar is selected as the folder.
b/ change the name of the bookmark to Blog That, or something similar.
When you have done those two things, click Done. You should see your new bookmark in the Bookmarks Bar, but don't panic if you can't see it. For folks who have already have a bunch of bookmarks in the bar, the new bookmark may not appear on screen. That's because it was added somewhere down the list of bookmarks. Just use the Chrome menu, Bookmarks option to display the list of bookmarks in the Bookmarks Bar and drag it to a location near the top of the list, which will display it towards the left of the bar.
4.Activate the 'Blog That' toolbar: All that remains is to copy and paste the Javascript into the bookmark you just made. To do this:
a/ use your mouse to select the code shown in Courier font earlier in the article,
b/ right click on the selected text and choose Copy, then
c/ right click on the 'Blog That' bookmark in the bookmark bar and choose Edit;
d/ select all of the text in the URL field then right-click it and choose Paste.
You have now replaced the URL with the script. The Edit bookmark dialog will look like this:
Be sure to click Save to save the change. You are now ready to collect search results!
To test the system, go to web page, select a small piece of text, then click on the Blog That bookmark you just edited. A dialog box should appear like this (if it does not, check to see if you have pops blocked and allow them for Note that if you are clipping to multiple blogs you can check the currently active blog in the upper right and change it if needed.
At this point you can add anything you like to the blog post. You might want to write a note to remind yourself why you clipped this item. If I am posting to one of my blogs that is visible to the public I will add quote marks around the quoted text to make it clear it is not me who wrote those words.

I have found this system to be of great value over the years. For example, I have a tendency to open a lot of tabs in my browser, full of things I plan to read later. Every so often I got through my tabs and clip them to a blog set up for that purpose.
Of course, you might be wondering why I don't just bookmark things to which I want to return. And that works for some people. But what if you are in someone else's office, or at a party, and you want to get to "that page I was telling you about"? I can go to my clipping blog and either scroll down or use Search to find the item - on my phone or their computer (the clipping blog is not private). By adding my own notes to clippings I can store more data more quickly than using bookmarks (unless of course you are better at bookmarking than me).
Just FYI, I have curated over 5,000 web pages with BT. For me, managing that many bookmarks with Chrome itself would be quite challenging.
While I use BT to collect and organize Internet research results for myself, I have also used it to create topic-specific public websites. These can be a cool way to share your research and connect with other people. An example is the About Amusia site that I built last year at https://4amusia.blogspotcom.
I was motivated to create the site after I found out that I have congenital amusia (sometimes referred to as being tone deaf). Before I went on a research binge to find out everything I could on this subject I made a simple private blog to stash the results with BT. After I had annotated some of my search results, I dressed up the site with a Blogger template and an image and made it public. I went one step further by getting my own domain name for the blog - - and then made the blog public as
Whether that particular use of BT appeals to you or not, I hope you found this article helpful. If so, please share.
While I use BT to collect and organize Internet research results for myself, I have also used it to create topic-specific public websites. These can be a cool way to share your research and connect with other people. An example is the About Amusia site that I built last year at https://4amusia.blogspotcom.
I was motivated to create the site after I found out that I have congenital amusia (sometimes referred to as being tone deaf). Before I went on a research binge to find out everything I could on this subject I made a simple private blog to stash the results with BT. After I had annotated some of my search results, I dressed up the site with a Blogger template and an image and made it public. I went one step further by getting my own domain name for the blog - - and then made the blog public as
Whether that particular use of BT appeals to you or not, I hope you found this article helpful. If so, please share.
Happy researching!
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