Cobb Family Tree

Here is a picture of the hand-lettered Cobb family tree that has been in my family for generations. If you want to zoom in on the tree and scroll through it, go to this page on my other website.  

You are free to download images of the tree for your personal use—but you cannot legally sell them or claim them as your intellectual property without permission—please contact me if you have questions, using the form on the right of this page.
Many Cobbs around the world can be traced to branches of this tree and I feel very privileged that I have a copy. I also feel very fortunate that I have the means to share this historic document online. 

To be clear, I am sharing this family tree for the benefit of others who are interested in genealogy, not because I think Cobbs are, as a whole, any better than other people. The tree does document the accomplishments of some Cobbs, but it does not mention any misdeeds, of which there were bound to be some.

These digital images were made possible by something wise that my grandfather did, back before computer imaging was a thing. He hired a professional photographer to make a large format negative of the tree in case anything happened to the hand-drawn original. Fortunately, in 1999 I was able to afford to pay an imaging company to scan the negative into a high resolution graphics file. 


  1. This confirms my research fhrough Ambrose, John and Thomas of Faversham. This takes my Cobb lineage through 24 Generations to Mattoon, Illinois, U.S. Than You, Jason L. Cobb

  2. Yes, Ambrose may have a minor entry on this tree (upper right) but he had a major effect on the spread of Cobbs to America.

  3. Ambrose definitely had an impact. Great tree by the way. "Grandpa was a Cobb"
