Consider the Human Growth Hormone deficiency due to the damage to the pituitary. It's not like HGH is something you can get over the counter at the local pharmacy. The substance itself is unstable, requiring special handling, and it very expensive to produce. And thanks to years of mindless abuse by selfish greedy so-called "athletes" HGH is not easy to get (in the State of New York it's a controlled substance, with all the hassles that designation entails).
On the upside, there is some good support out there for sufferers of human growth hormone deficiency, which mainly occurs in children. The adult version is known as Adult Growth Hormone Deficiency or AGHD. I was amazed to learn how much of an impact AGHD can have on a person. Consider this list:
- weakened heart muscle contraction and heart rate
- increased arterial plaque and blood pressure
- elevated lipids or fats in the blood (cholesterol, LDL, triglycerides)
- decreased exercise capacity due to decreased cardiac output
- decreased energy due to decreased metabolic rate
- abnormal body composition (increased abdominal obesity--waist to hip ratio)
- decreased bone density due to decreased synthesis of bone
- increase in fractures and osteoporosis
- decreased muscle strength and muscle size
- decreased lean body mass
- increased fat mass
- low blood sugar (dizziness or fainting weakness or tiredness, headaches)
- poor concentration or memory
- decreased sexual desire
- sleep problems
- shyness
- withdrawal from others
- nervousness or anxiety
- decreased social contact
- sadness or depression
- feelings of hopelessness
The bad news is, my wife has experienced all of these. The good news is, HGH could reverse any or all of these. So if you read the list as one of positive possibilities it's quite exciting, like #5: "Increased energy due to increased metabolic rate." I know she'd like that!
Of course, there's a long way to go yet. AGHD is a pretty nasty thing to be hit with. When I first looked over this list and got to number 21 my reaction upon reading it was: "That's entirely understandable!"
List source: Human Growth Foundation metabolic rate"